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Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy 

A short-term form of psychotherapy, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy helps you identify negative thoughts and irrational beliefs which can lead to unhealthy actions and behaviors. 


Your therapist will not only help you understand the impact of those limiting beliefs, but also guide you in challenging and replacing them with healthier, more productive beliefs.


REBT often involves mental exercises and tools such as positive visualization, self-development material, and homework assignments designed to help you achieve your life’s goals


If you feel you’re ready to begin your mental health journey, the first step is to contact Foundation Counseling Center by phone at  (256)-497-1790 or online to discuss the type of therapy (individual, family, or group) you are seeking.

Coined as the “Three Basic Musts,” these three common irrational beliefs are based on a demand – about ourselves, others, or the environment.

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